NEC Elections 2025

Turn the tide on despair: Vote for hope – Vote for resistance

The NEC elections come at a critical time – members are looking for solidarity, hope and a way to resist.

UCU Left candidates are committed to:

  • debate: members having space and time to discuss issues
  • respecting democracy: acting on the decisions made by members within the union’s democratic structures
  • action: using our collective industrial strength strategically to put pressure on employers and win change for our members
  • equality: fighting for equality and against all forms of discrimination.

We believe the last 5 years have seen members’ decisions overturned, delayed, or frustrated.

Vote for us to support a vision of the union that puts collective deliberation and decision-making first, and pushes back against pessimism and despair.

Vote for an active, fighting member-led union.

Our candidates’ election statements

Post Candidate
Vice President1Rhiannon Lockley
Honorary Treasurer1Deepa Driver
John Parrington
Mike Barton
President UCU Scotland1Grant Buttars
Honorary Secretary UCU Scotland1Carlo Morelli
UK Elected FE1
Sean Vernell
Saleem Rashid
UK Elected HE1
Richard Wild
Rob Macmaster
Michael Carley
North West FE1Nina Doran
North West HE1
Peta Bulmer
Bee Hughes
South FE1John Fones
South HE1
Aris Katzourakis
Ryan Burns
Ellen Owens
David Chivall
Michael Carley
Midlands FE1Dharminder Chuhan
Disabled HE1Roddy Slorach
LGBT+ Members1Bee Hughes
Migrant Members1Patricia Prieto Blanco
Black Members1Nitin Rajyaguru
Casually Employed1Cecily Blyther
Click on a candidate name to see their full election statement
