UCU’s ballot over USS pensions closes on 19th January. The fight for our pensions is on Leaflet…
Pamphlet – Defending USS pensions
Defending pensions – a fight for all our futures
Our pensions are being put at risk by a process of dishonesty and theft. This is being conducted by a poisonous combination of hard-nosed employers, a zombie government bent …
USS Latest UCU Special Conference Report
The Fightback Starts Here!
Ballot for Escalating Strike Action and a Marking Boycott
UCU branches covering the 68 pre-92 universities met on Thursday 9th November 2017 to discuss our approach to the very serious threats to the USS …
USS crisis explained
In this video, Dr Carlo Morelli (Dundee University) explains what is happening to USS.
Is the ‘deficit’ real or a myth? What is at stake?…
Stop the Retreat on Pay
UCU’s decision to consult members over pay, without any recommendation to reject UCEA’s offer, has thrown away an opportunity to reverse years of decline in members’ standards of living. With inflation at a four year high, our pay offer was …