UCU NEC elections:
Vote Carlo Morelli for Honorary Secretary UCU Scotland
Vote Carlo Morelli (he/him) for UCU Scotland Honorary Secretary

I am a senior lecturer in Economics at the University of Dundee and am standing for the UCU Scotland Honorary Secretary position.
United We stand
These elections are taking place in the midst the biggest cuts to our living standards than any of us will remember. At the same time the trade union movement is finally getting off it’s knees and demonstrating its power to defend members and bring about real change in society.
UCU, despite its small size, is playing a leading role in these changes. UCU needs to continue with this role in providing a clear lead in how to win disputes. This means focusing upon co-ordinating and escalating industrial action across the union movement rather than reaching the below inflation settlements made in some disputes. We also don’t need to settle for crumbs and promises for the future in the USS pension dispute. We can win real gains now.
The ‘hostile environment’ and demonisation of refugees demonstrates that the Tories are consciously using racism to divide opposition to their policies. We need a UCU that takes an unflinching opposition to all forms of racism and joins with all those opposed to the Tories’ policies. The IHRA definition has been used to silence supporters of Palestine and erode anti-racist initiatives in the sector.
Similarly, the Tories use culture wars to deflect the anger in society towards vulnerable minorities. I stand with our transgender siblings against the bigotry of those wishing to restrict the fight for equality. I support the changes to the Gender Recognition Act currently going through the Scottish Parliament.
Workloads and casualisation
Employers will not voluntarily deal with the problems of excessive workloads or use of casualization. Our action can ensure we have national agreements on workloads and the ending of casualisation. I oppose trading off improvements for one set of members while accepting worsening conditions for others. The Four Fights campaign means wins in All of the four fights.
UCU Scotland
UCU Scotland needs a louder voice in UCU and within Scotland itself. We need the Scottish Government’s Fair Work Agenda to be more than nice words. It also requires UCU Scotland, along with UCU in other nations, administrations and regions to be adequately from UCU at the UK level. As past President of UCU Scotland and current Co-President of Dundee UCU I have many years’ experience of taking a leading role in UCU.