Defend Freedom of Movement across post-Brexit Europe – Meeting 22.10.16

cropped-cropped-freedom-of-movementThe Tory government is intensifying its attacks on international students, EU/EEA workers, immigrants and refugees. Over the last few days it has proposed both to cut international student numbers to meet immigration targets and to force companies to disclose how many foreign workers they employ. On top of this, it has decided to ban non-UK academics in advising government in debates over Brexit.

Last Wednesday the AGM of Goldsmith UCU unanimously passed a motion condemning Amber Rudd’s crackdown on international students and supporting freedom of movement.

London Met coordinating committee has also unanimously decided to put this motion to their next all members meeting. Their motions draw on the motion for freedom of movement from the Free Movement of Labour campaign

UCU London Region is supporting the meeting called by the Free Movement of Labour on 22nd October, UCL, Darwin Building, B40 LT–Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

and encourages all UCU members, in HE and FE, to come and discuss how we can respond to these Tory attacks and campaign for:

  • freedom of movement and opposition to points-based immigration schemes
  • up-front guarantee for existing EU/ EEA citizens in the UK to stay
  • immediate removal of international students from net migration target
  • full recognition of workers’ rights throughout EU withdrawal negotiations

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