FE Pay

FE branches are being asked to meet before the end of September to consider the final offer from the AoC of 0.7%. The bankers and bosses continue to collect their mega-bonuses and Golden parachutes, but we are expected to put up with continually falling incomes. The current FE pay offer would be, of course, another real terms pay cut.

NUT members have just delivered a fantastic resounding vote of about 80% in favour of strike action over pay, conditions and pensions and will join the NASUWT who already have a mandate for action.

We should be part of this developing action against the Coalition’s pay cuts and austerity. Our members have lost out on pay (and in comparison to schoolteachers)  over the past few years and are now losing even more from their pay packets since April as the increased pension contributions have kicked in.

We urge all supporters to get to your branch meetings and argue for (1) rejection of the pay offer and (2) support for an industrial action ballot.

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