Fighting for Education in the Time of Coronavirus

Join the UCU Left to discuss the crisis, its impact on our jobs and how we should organise as trade unionists to fight for the future of education.

Click here to view video.

Panel updates! Jo McNeill is unwell but will join us for future meetings.

Panel: John McDonnell MP; Mark Abel, co-vice chair of UCU HEC; Marian Mayer, UCU national pay negotiator; Peter Evans, Chair FE Sector London Region.

New Panelists: Angus McNelly, Queen Mary UCU Branch Comms Officer; Bee Hughes, Sessional Lecturer – Liverpool John Moores University & LJMU UCU Branch Committee member; Kyle Litchmore, Branch Chair Croydon college and LSA.

UCU Left Webinar with John McDonnell

The global crisis is deepening by the day, throwing every aspect of society which used to be taken for granted into a state of uncertainty. In universities and colleges, a battle has begun over both our present situation and what will ensue in the future. In the here and now, UCU members are already involved in a serious struggle over what homeworking and remote teaching looks like and who controls it – the staff or the management.

But the bigger battle will be about what post-16 education will look like once the pandemic is over. Can the university sector’s marketised funding model survive the collapse in domestic and overseas students which the pandemic is likely to produce? Will Further Education workers continue to have to combat underfunding and corporate managerialism to provide working class students with the education they deserve?


5 Replies to “Fighting for Education in the Time of Coronavirus”

  1. hi Alison and Helena, click the link at the bottom of the post that says ‘click here to register’. thanks

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