Read the manifesto first here!
Dear colleague
The UCU General Secretary election opens TODAY and closes on May 23rd.
This is the most important election for our union yet turnout is traditionally very low (13.7% last time).
We know we can get the vote out in our branches now for industrial action ballots so let’s do the same for these elections.
Ballot papers should arrive by Wednesday.
What Can You Do?
To help me get elected as General Secretary of UCU, I am writing to ask you to:
? GTVO. Please allocate one person in your branch to contact all your members and make sure they have received and posted off their ballot papers.
Increasing the turnout will result in much higher voting for left candidates.
? Flyers. Please make sure you put a Jo McNeill flyer in every member’s hand.
Contact me if you haven’t received any flyers yet and would like some hard copies sent to you.
Link to download pdf version is here.
? Circulate my NeW! campaign video far and wide. The link the video on YouTube is here.
? Put a Vote Jo poster up in your staff room and everywhere you are able to!
Link to download the poster is here