Please find below a mailing from the #CoronaContract campaign. Please share this widely and join their webinar this Thursday 9 April at 7pm.
Dear colleagues and comrades,
Apologies for this mass email. My name is Jordan, I’m a fixed-term postdoctoral researcher at Birkbeck, UCU member and one of the organisers of the #CoronaContract campaign to secure the livelihoods of precarious university staff during this crisis.
Will you please consider sharing this email with your members and relevant lists?
Our open letter has gathered over 1000 signatures and counting, and we were recently featured in a Guardian article calling out universities’ shameful treatment of casualised workers.
This Thursday at 7pm we will be hosting a #CoronaContract webinar, featuring UCU President Elect Vicky Blake and a host of inspiring anti-casualisation organisers. We’ll discuss the background to our campaign and the practical ways we’re going to exert pressure on our universities, unions, and the wider public in order to secure our livelihoods during this crisis and beyond. Please join us by registering here: (
In order for our campaign to succeed we need to get the word out as much as possible. Please join us on the webinar, follow and RT us on Twitter @CoronaContract, and sign our open letter.
In solidarity,