UCU NEC elections:
Vote Julie Hearn for UK HE
Leading on Equality

I have been a Lecturer in Politics at Lancaster University for sixteen years, before which I was on insecure, fixed-term research and teaching contracts in HE for eight years. I work part-time because of caring responsibilities. I have been an AUT/UCU member for over twenty-five years and have a track record of commitment at branch, regional and national level. I am a member of UCU Left.
UCU Positions Held
- Lancaster UCU president, vice-president, equality officer and membership officer
- Branch delegate to regional committee
- NEC (HE UK-elected) member, 2016-18 and 2018-20
- Member of UCU Legal Support Review Panel, 2017-18
Leading on USS and Four Fights
I was branch president and lead negotiator when we had our first USS and Four Fights strike in 2018. We enabled members to come together from across the University, working with students to organise our first ever programme of teach-outs as well as daily pickets of between 150-200 strikers and strike committee meetings. I also played a leading national role as a member of the HEC, proposing and voting on strike policy. As branch vice-president, I will be co-leading the 2021 strikes.
Leading on Equality
As a university educationalist I have practised intersectional anti-racist, anti-sexist pedagogy for over twenty-five years, having been taught a decolonised curriculum at school and working extensively with academics and activists from Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. I have drawn on this activism, research and teaching experience as UCU Equality Officer in the following:
- Represented UCU members at the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Co-founded the Lancaster University Race Equality Network in 2018
- Initiated UCU Black History Month events with staff and students
- Participated in the UCU and Stand Up to Racism national anti-racist university tour
- Organised events for UCU National Day of Action on Racism in the Workplace
- Worked with UCU Black Members Standing Committee and Women Members Standing Committee
I am also
- Department Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Co-director and Co-chair of the EDI committee
- Department Co-lead for Athena Swan, which measures university progress on gender equality
- Member of the University Strategic Advisory Group on the Race Equality Charter
Based on my reflective practice on anti-racist teaching and university leadership, I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Leading on Anti- Bullying
As a department rep and branch officer, I have supported members who have been subjected to managerial bullying. This has included initiating and leading a year-long collective grievance process, and campaigning and raising awareness with the University Council.
These experiences have shown me how important it is to have NEC members who are prepared to fight for members and I ask you to elect me to continue this work.