Motions submitted by UCU Left members to the Higher Education Committee on Friday 25th February

Winning the Disputes

HEC congratulates members on their strong industrial action and thanks all the student involves in providing support. HEC notes employer intransigence and the fact that both disputes have not yet been resolved HEC recognises the need to build on progress so far and call further industrial action.

HEC agrees to 

1.  Call 4 days of action in both disputes (unless one is no longer live, in which case action in the other) in the week starting 14 March and 5 days in the following week.

2.  Coordinate with branches about strike dates, with the option of the action taking place later if term ends later. 

3.  Allow branches to apply for additional strike dates.

4.  Inform employers there will be further action in the third term which may include an assessment and marking boycott.

5.  Only agree to suspend the action during negotations if threats of  ASOS deductions are withdrawn.

Marion Hersh; Mark Abel

Branch Delegate Meetings

HEC notes the call from the last branch delegate meeting for a voting BDM before HEC. HEC reaffirms its belief in being a member led union and the resulting importance of taking account of member views.  

HEC believes that the disputes have reached a good point for evaluation and discussion of future strategy.  

HEC agrees to

1.  Call a BDM with voting rights before every HEC discussing the disputes and send issues to vote on to delegates in advance to consult with members. 

2.  Take a strong steer from the BDM votes. 

Marion Hersh; Saira Weiner

Reballoting branches for action in the summer term

HEC notes
The action mandate for the first branches over the threshold expires on May 4.
We will need to be able to take further action including through a marking boycott in whichever disputes are still live.
HESC voted for disaggregated ballots.
The need for a sufficiently long ballot window and for action to start soon after May 4, so we cannot wait until April’s SHESC to call another ballot.

HEC resolves
1) To run a disaggregated ballot for strike action and ASOS, including a marking boycott, in both disputes or whichever is still live, in all eligible branches.
2) To ballot according to a timetable which allows a ballot window of at least 4 weeks closing on 14 April to avoid a break in branches’ mandate for action.

Mark Abel; Lesley McGorrigan

Defend the national disputes and the right to strike proposed by Rhiannon Lockley (HE Midlands)

HEC notes

  • Threats at Birmingham, Northampton and other branches to make punitive ASOS deductions over non-rescheduling
  • The potential this has to spread within this dispute and more widely to undermine the right to strike
  • The urgent need for a national response when union rights are threatened
  • Individual targeting of branches for deductions is detrimental to advancement and resolution of the current national dispute

HEC resolves

  1. To declare significant further national strike dates in defence of the dispute
  2. To fast-track legal support for members where deductions are made
  3. To take significant action to boost the fighting fund and support members in targeted branches, including requesting donations from all sister unions, the TUC, trades councils, and revisiting a levy (proportional, excluding low paid members, and with notice) 

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