NEC Elections: Vote Alison Lord, representative of women members (FE)

Alison Lord

Fighting for equality, Fighting against austerity

As a current NEC member and    t branch representative I am active in both key areas of the UCU. I have supported the UCU Left’s insistence that the union must take industrial action, including strike action, to fight the attacks on our pensions.

I have also argued and voted for the need to unite with and defend students in their struggle to resist higher tuition fees, EMA cuts and attacks on ESOL.

On the Equality and Women’s Committees I have defended women who wear the veil and supported the continuing struggles for equal pay and work-life balance.


The success of the strike and the inspiring participation of women in our college in leading, organising and speaking, gave me the impetus to stand as Women’s Officer in 2010.
I was branch chair during our month long strike against compulsory redundancies (2009) threatening to severely cut ESOL, key provision to the community of Tower Hamlets, and in particular women who speak very little English.

It is essential that we have well organised branches that can fight attacks on all our staff.

I am proud to be a part of a branch that has successfully fought off compulsory redundancies and disciplinary actions threatened by our SMT against the membership, including branch officers.

If re-elected I will continue to:

  • Be central to resistance to attacks on pensions (including final salary), education and jobs
  • Be at the heart of a UCU strategy that helps women and all oppressed groups defend their jobs and conditions of service
  • Argue that the UCU must work with other unions and groups prepared to take effective action to resist this rotten Coalition government.


I have two children: a six year old daughter and a son at university in Preston.

Biographical information including service to the union

  • I have been an English teacher in FE since 1993
  • UCU Branch Chair 2008-10 Poplar Branch
  • UCU Equality Officer in my branch since 2010, whilst retaining my position as a negotiator to ensure that the defence of equality is central to campaigning and bargaining
  • UCU National Women’s Officer and NEC member 2010 to date
  • Member of UCU Women’s Standing Committee
  • Member of UCU Equality Committee l UCU National Congress delegate 2010 & 2011
  • 2011 Congress: I tabled and spoke to a motion on religious attire and the right for all faiths to wear what they choose in our colleges and universities, overwhelmingly voted as policy.


For representative of women members please vote: Alison Lord 1 Jenny Sutton 2

Leaflet downloads are available from here.

STV Voting system

To maximise votes for progressive candidates we ask you to do the following:

Please use your votes to first endorse all UCU Left candidates and only after that use lower preferences for other progressive candidates in each relevant list;


Give your highest preferences in the UK-Elected list to UCU Left candidate(s) from your region


Elections run from 6 February to 1 March

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