NEC Elections: Vote Jane Hardy UK Elected Member (HE)

Pension, Job and Pay: The Frontline.

I am currently a Higher Education representative on the NEC for London and the East region, and I am asking you to reelect me.

We must fight alongside other unions to reject a pension deal that makes us work longer and pay more for less.

We must fight to defend the final-salary scheme. We cannot agree to anything which leaves younger members with a raw deal.

The magnificent strike on 30 November shows the potential for us to win. Defending the TPS will make it easier to overturn the imposed USS changes.

A pay freeze and a one percent pay increase for two years with rising inflation equals a pay cut. Decent pay must stay on the agenda.

We must fight for every job. Casualisation is the scourge of the sector. We need to organise against the proliferation of precarious work.

The White Paper on Higher Education: ‘Defend Public Universities

This is an unprecedented attack on Higher Education. It opens the door to privatisation and elitism and threatens courses and academic freedom.
The UCU needs to be at the centre of the fight against this legislation linking with the widest possible constituency.

Stress, bullying and Managerialism

Cost cutting and redundancies are increasing workloads. Stress and bullying are a major concern for members.

Research and teaching are increasingly tied to a narrow agenda of competitiveness and skills.

The language of the market and the increasing role of business in universities are undermining collegiality.

What Kind of UCU?

A democratic, member led union l Branches and regions are the fora for discussion and decisions not plebiscitary consultation. l A National Executive Committee that provides strong leadership and operates in a transparent way.

Working with other trade unions in the university sector and the wider movement to take industrial action to defend public services

Biographical information including service to the union

  • Since 1977 I have worked as a teacher (seven years) and in Further Education (six years). In this period I was a local activist in both the NUT and NATFHE.
  • I have worked in Higher Education for twenty years and was elected to the NATFHE National Committee in 2004.
  • NEC member since 2006. l I am on the UCU Committee at the University of Hertfordshire.
  • I have attended national congress every year since the UCU was formed (except for one).
  • I am a member of the UCU Education Committee and have recently edited the UCU Left publication Another Education is Possible.
  • I am the UCU HE representative on the Working Group of the Teachers Pension Scheme.

Vote Jane Hardy 1, Jelena Timotijevic 2, Lesley McGorrigan 3

I urge you to also vote Mark Campbell for General Secretary and Angie McConnell, Vice-President (FE)

Leaflet downloads are available from here.

STV Voting system

To maximise votes for progressive candidates we ask you to do the following:

Please use your votes to first endorse all UCU Left candidates and only after that use lower preferences for other progressive candidates in each relevant list;


Give your highest preferences in the UK-Elected list to UCU Left candidate(s) from your region


Elections run from 6 February to 1 March


One Reply to “NEC Elections: Vote Jane Hardy UK Elected Member (HE)”

  1. I have known Jane Hardy as a colleague from our FE days. An excellent colleague and powerful candidate for this post…. apologies for typos! Please use this version!

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