NEC elections: Vote Jenny Sutton, UK elected member (FE)

Defend Education – for a campaigning union.

I have been teaching at the college of North East London since 1993, first as an HPL and from 1996 as a permanent lecturer. I have been branch secretary at CONEL since 2008, and chair of London Region UCU (FE) for 2 years. I am in UCU Left.

I want to contribute to the development of our union as a campaigning organisation that connects the fight for jobs, pay and employment rights with the fight for inclusive, free, progressive, high-quality education for all.


I have led our branch in tough and successful battles against compulsory redundancies, for equal treatment for HPLs, for implementation of the 8 point pay scale, against punitive observation regimes and against cuts in education.

As chair of London Region, I have worked for collaboration between colleges across the capital against increasingly aggressive managements.

If you elect me I intend to:

  • Listen to, and be accountable to, members on the ground through regular written reports and attendance at regional meetings and activities
  • Reach out to support and help build weaker branches
  • Foster greater collaboration between branches through existing regional structures.
  • Encourage the active participation of women and hourly-paid staff in the union
  • Work to secure equal rights for hourly-paid staff
  • Work to reclaim further education from the bean-counters in control who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.


In the UK-elected members (FE) election please vote: Richard McEwan 1 Umit Yildiz 2 Jenny Sutton 3 Steve Boyce 4

I also urge you to vote for Mark Campbell for General Secretary and Angie McConnell for Vice- President (FE)

Leaflet downloads are available from here.

STV Voting system

To maximise votes for progressive candidates we ask you to do the following:

Please use your votes to first endorse all UCU Left candidates and only after that use lower preferences for other progressive candidates in each relevant list;


Give your highest preferences in the UK-Elected list to UCU Left candidate(s) from your region


Elections run from 6 February to 1 March

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