Resist Redundancies • Defend education
Boris Johnson has decided it’s time to relax the lockdown and start getting people back to work.
But nothing has changed: a vaccine for Covid-19 is a long way off, case and fatality rates have barely dropped, and there is still no widespread testing and social distancing is impossible to maintain in many workplaces.
We are guaranteed to experience a spike in cases and rising deaths, with lower paid workers who can’t work from home bearing the brunt of this avoidable tragedy.
Schoolteachers in particular are coming under pressure to resume classes so that parents can return to work. But plans are also being drawn up for staff and students to return to college and university campuses. And the Government has yet to seriously address the disproportionate deaths of BAME people. This will also be the subject of a forthcoming webinar.
This UCU Left webinar will address how we can support our schoolteacher colleagues’ demands for safe workplaces and resist a return to unsafe campuses for ourselves.
- What conditions should we demand are met before we return to campus?
- How can we build campaigns around safety that force management to listen?
- Can we use health and safety legislation to refuse to put ourselves in unsafe conditions?
- How do we fight at the same time against the growing threat to jobs in post-16 education?
Join the webinar to share experiences and help develop strategies for fighting against management and government attempts to put business-as-usual ahead of our lives.
The panel includes Emma Mort (NEU) and a speaker from Roehampton UCU
This is part of a series of webinars during the crisis hosted by UCU Left.
You can view past webinars here.
- Fighting for Education in the Time of Coronavirus
- Defending Casualised Workers in the Lockdown
- Homeworking & Managerialism: Beyond the Exam Factory
You might also be interested in this important online meeting for trade unionists:
No return to unsafe schools & workplaces – a live online meeting with:
- Jeremy Corbyn MP
- Amanda Martin, National Education Union President
- Karen Reissmann, NHS Nurse
6pm Wednesday 20 May