Now open! VP and NEC Elections – UCU Left supported candidates

Nita balloon pic.jpgElections for the UCU Vice President (VP) and National Executive Committee (NEC) are now open from 1st February and will close on 1st March. To ensure we have a VP and NEC committed to fighting for decent pay and conditions, vote for the UCU Left supported candidates listed below. Click on bold candidate names to download their election leaflet.

The VP this year is selected from the Further Education sector. However, ALL members (including members in HE) can vote for Nita. Nita would be the first black woman to serve as VP in the union’s history. She has an excellent record as a union activist.

Please download and distribute this leaflet to your colleagues:Nita4VP. If you would like to contact Nita to invite her to speak at a branch meeting, please email her.

Vice President from FE

Nita Sanghera (Bournville College)

Geographically- elected members of the National Executive Committee

London & the East HE

Paul Anderson (Queen Mary, University of London)

Rachel Cohen (City, University of London)

Ioanna Ioannou (UCL)

Sean Wallis (UCL)

London the East FE

Julia Roberts (Lambeth College)

Sean Vernell (City and Islington College)

North East HE

Dr Jeff Fowler (University of Sunderland)

Mike Lammiman (University of Hull)

Dr Steve Lui (Dr Sun Chong Lui) (University of Huddersfield)

North East FE 

Saleem Rashidi (Sheffield College)

North West FE

Carol Cody (City of Liverpool College)

Northern Ireland HE 

Peter Collins (St Mary’s Belfast)

UK-elected members HE

Mark Abel (University of Brighton)

Sunil Banga (Lancaster University)

Elio di Muccio (University of Birmingham)

Dr Julie Hearn (Lancaster University)

Jo McNeill (University of Liverpool)

UK elected member HE (casual vacancy)

Dr Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow)

UK-elected members FE

Margot Hill (Croydon College)

Naina Kent (Hackney Learning Trust)

Richard McEwan (New City College,Tower Hamlets)

Representatives of women members from the HE sector

Dr Sue Abbott (Newcastle University)

Pura Ariza (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Marian Mayer (Bournemouth University)

Representatives of women members from the FE sector

Martha Harris (City of Liverpool College)

Elaine White (Bradford College)

Representative of members in landbased education

Eleni Michalopoulou (University of Liverpool)

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