A UCU Left Open Webinar
No going back: Fighting for control of education under the lockdown.
The latest lockdown has been forced on the Tory government against their will. There are huge lessons for UCU in the successful organising tactics of our sister union NEU.The battles are not over. The pandemic calls for a break from the past and to reimagine education for all.
Marian Carty, UCU Goldsmiths President, has now joined the panel of speakers.
6.30pm Monday 25th of January
Register here
- Virginia Rodino, United Against Hate, Convenor Asian Pacific American Labour Alliance, AFL-CIO
- Emma Mort, NEU District Secretary & NEC
- Mark Porter, Unite Convenor, Rolls Royce
- Phil Wilson, UCU Camapaigns Officer & Membership Officer defending jobs at Chichester College
- Mark Abel UCU Brighton & UCU Left Secretary
- Marian Carty, UCU Goldsmiths President
- Chair: Bee Hughes, UCU LJMU & UCU Left Chair