Organising to defend post-16 education in the Coronavirus era • A UCU Left hosted mobilising and strategy meeting

Greenwich picket

7.30pm Monday 4 May

Click here to register

We will devote this weeks webinar to discussing strategy and how we mobilise to defend post 16 education.

In this organising meeting we will share experiences of what is happening on the ground where you are. This week’s meeting will not be recorded as we map out a response from the left. We invite all those who have reported on campaigns and initiatives to join us.

All are welcome.

The magnificent response to the health workers call for solidarity shows the potential for a more humane and decent society. How can we as educators rise to the challenge of our times.

There are number of immediate and emerging questions:

  • How do we defend our frontiers of control?
  • How do we start to position the union to take up the challenges post Coronavirus?
  • How do we raise the level of organisation and coordinate our response across the union?

We will also be discussing:

  • How do we prepare for the battle to save HE?
  • How do we respond employers in FE and HE pushing through redundancies and restructures?
  • Under what conditions do we return to work?

We want to use this meeting as a mobilising forum to build for our next webinar on the campaign for no return to work until it is safe.

It will also be an opportunity to hear from our NEC members reporting back from Friday’s NEC.

You may be interested in this discussion paper submitted in advance to the NEC.

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