The Case for UCU Left

Sally Hunt’s ‘all-member’ email

In her first members’ e-mail, Sally Hunt, UCU General Secretary and candidate for re-election, has launched an outright attack on UCU Left. She has charged that UCU Left is ‘a union within a union’.  She has …

Voting Advice from UCU Left

These are the suggested voting orders from UCU Left for the current NEC, Trustee and General Secretary Elections.

Please pass this on to any other UCU members you know, in other institutions and your own. Always rank with a number …

Who is in UCU Left?

UCU Left is a broad left grouping of members of the 120,000 strong University and College Union. We are committed to building a member-led, democratic UCU, one which is founded on a strategy of campaigning and collective action rather than …

USS conference report, January 31st, 2012

Written by Malcolm Povey (personal capacity)

The USS negotiators’ motion to suspend our industrial action in return for talks with the employers won the day against the 15 other motions arguing for continued or escalation of action. The supporters of …