Collectivise the resistance
For a fighting democratic union

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7.00pm Thursday 11 February
Chair: Bee Hughes UCU LJMU
- Daniele Kebede NEU Senior Vice President
- Didem Derya Ozedimir Kaya, Solidarity with Bogazici University staff and students
- Dharminder Chuhan UCU Sandwell College
- Mark Abel UCU Brighton on their dispute
- UVW Care Home Striker
All branches in dispute will be prioritised to speak and raise solidarity for their dispute.
Themes for the meeting:
We will discuss some of the key debates at this years Congress.
- Hear how NEU developed their mass participatory model of organising
- Fight for a return to work when it is safe, defend jobs, pay and home working conditions
- Build solidarity between branches, with BLM and LGBTQ+
- Campaign for an alternative post-16 education.
Open to all