UCU NEC elections:
Vote Rhiannon Lockley for Midlands HE
Re-elect Rhiannon Lockley: a democratic voice for the Midlands
I’m a foundation year lecturer (Health, Education and Life Sciences) and doctoral researcher at Birmingham City University. I seek re-election, standing for: A democratic, accountable, member-led union.
I am a UCU left candidate, and support a member-led, organising union. As Secretary then Chair at BCU (2019 – present), I’m proud of our branch achievements:
• A big growth in branch membership
• Winning our COVID ballot to push back in defence of our members and communities
• Doubling the pay rise last year, and now balloting again after a successful indicative ballot while locked out of national bargaining
We are most powerful when members are fully informed on and involved in union work, meet frequently, and take decisions collectively. As your rep I have reported back in writing and verbally to each Midlands regional committee during my term, attending all regional committees. I have consistently voted in support of branch-led decision-making.
Equality at the heart of UCU
During my years as an activist in the union I have helped shape UCU policy on trans rights, sex worker solidarity, abortion rights, defending migrants, resisting racism, and fighting barriers to accessing or working in education.
• As your representative I have voted repeatedly for issues of pay equality and casualisation to be industrial rather than only campaigning issues. I will always support equality work as central to our union.
• I believe the union should be a visible ally when rights are attacked. As your representative I have brought UCU support to anti-fascist and anti-racist demonstrations, participated fully in community responses to attacks on LGBT+ people, worked with disabled-rights groups, and organised demonstrations in defence of global abortion rights.
A strong Midlands voice on NEC, for all members
Regional work is vital to UCU, allowing branch reps to share, encourage and strategise with each other, and building practical, immediate solidarity for branches in dispute. It has been an honour to chair West Midlands region (2014-17, 2021+) and represent Midlands members on NEC (2017-19, 2021-23). My record is as follows:
• I prioritise attending branch meetings and pickets to report to members and support reps across the Midlands.
• I have won national support (meaning vital resources) for Midlands branch disputes at NEC and Congress
• I fundraise for and amplify branches through actively building our partnerships with trades councils and sibling unions.
UCU is building and work is growing across all sectors. As a former FE worker and your only post-92 candidate I know how important it is to actively share our union experiences, skills and resources. I am honoured to be endorsed for my regional work by representatives from sibling unions, students, and UCU members across our sectors. We’re strongest together.
Whoever you vote for, please vote!
Twitter: @illdoitanyway