Saleem Rashid

Saleem Rashid for UK-Elected FE

I have worked at the Sheffield College as a Mathematics Lecturer since 2010. Previously, I’ve worked at Bradford, Newcastle and Gateshead Colleges.

Union Experience:

  • Branch committee member, senior case worker and H&S rep.
  • Black Members Standing Cttee member 
  • Represented and supported members, attended JCC meetings, attended UCU Equality Conference.
  • Delegate to and moved motions at UCU Congress and TUC Black Workers Conference to promote Equality and support casualised staff.

I’m standing to support and promote the FE sector which was underfunded under the Tory government. Thishas resulted in narrow curriculum provision, job cuts, redundancies and increased casualisation. With new government in place, we have an opportunity to address this and ask for better pay, conditions and life-work balance, and increased resources for students.

Staff face increasing workloads, threat of redundancies, and as well risks to their health and wellbeing. UCU needs tochallenge these issues effectively and fully support its members.

As a NEC member, I would seek that UCU campaigns to:

  • Improve working conditions for its members, with pay rises to support the impact of increase in living costs and match pay with schoolteachers.
  • Improved funding for SEND provision and support for students.
  • Better support for disabled and casualised members impacted by unfair workplace. practices.
  • Oppose increasing workloads and resulting redundancies due to underfunding of FE. Members must not pay for lackof proper funding in FE through cuts in their wages and increase in their workloads.
  • Challenge and deter the employers’ continuing to engage in unfair and oppressive practices by taking collective action.
  • Promote equality, diversity and inclusion and challenge all forms racism and bigotry.
  •  Take test cases to the Employment Tribunal, rather than focus on compromise agreements which allow theemployers to continue as before.
  • Oppose incorrect use of Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Clauses to silence members.
  • Have greater accountability to members by seeking periodic publication of casework data and legal support given tomembers.

I will work constructively to make UCU more effective in representing you, keeping it democratic and accountable to all itsmembers.