The University of Liverpool has announced that all UCU members who boycott assessment work will have 100% of their pay docked. This aggressive stance has caused real anger across the University. Not only is this an insult to staff here in Liverpool but it is a threat to the national union’s ability to use ASOS in the future. We also know that if the University of Liverpool is allowed to get away with this that it will become a norm across the sector.
At a packed branch meeting with standing room only, the University of Liverpool UCU voted to strike until the 100% pay docking is stopped. The vote was overwhelming with no votes against and just one abstention. The relevant wording of the motion is:
We now see no alternative but for the national union to authorise the University of Liverpool UCU branch to call upon all of its members to strike until the threat of 100% pay docking is removed.
The state of play now is that the Regional Official who was present and spoke at the meeting will now report to national UCU officers including the General Secretary. We are expecting authorisation to strike to be forthcoming. This means that, with the seven days’ notice we have to give the employer, the University of Liverpool UCU will be moving into strike action towards the end of the week beginning 17 November or possibly early the following week.
Members of the UCU branch are determined that we will not be bullied into submission by a maverick University management. However, we also expect the union nationally to make good the commitments we have all been given that if 100% docking is used by any local employer that the response will be national; including national strike action.
The national union must now implement the grey-listing of the University of Liverpool and other institutions where 100% pay docking is being used.
We are also hoping that local branches send us any and all types of support they can.
Messages of support for example from around the UK would be very welcome indeed at this point.
Please send all messages to:
Money will be an issue for members. The employers of course have timed things so that we are in dispute in the pre-Christmas period. As we head towards action pledges of financial support, workplace collections and so on will be crucial.
Members at Liverpool will be now meeting on each Monday and we would like to be able to read out as many messages and pledges as possible at the next meeting. Members at Liverpool need to see support coming in from around the country.
By standing together we can win over pensions and against management aggression.