The HE Green Paper:
The Threat to the Public University
…and what we can do about it
Christopher Ingold Chemistry Building, University College London
Speakers from: UCU, Campaign for the Public University, Council for the Defence of British Universities & more
The Convention will be structured around the stated premises of the Green Paper in order to coordinate a collective collegiate response to it. Sessions are intended to be both informative and participatory.
The Convention is open to everyone who cares about the future of the Public University and the threat the Green Paper represents to academic freedom.
Sessions on:
- Teaching quality, social mobility and the TEF – the rise of metrics and the uncapping of fees
- Opening the market to private providers – easy come, easy go?
- Measure anything, fail everyone? – the rise of ‘performance management’
- Deregulation, the attack on governance and statutes – academic freedom under threat
- The future of research funding
- Strategies to win: How can we defend the Public University?
The closing date for the official government consultation on the Green Paper is 15 January. The Convention will take place three weeks after, ahead of the publication of the White Paper.
In order to facilitate debate we will post responses to the Green Paper from colleagues across the sector on our website.
Publicity resources
Leaflet for event
Booking for the event
HE Convention A4 poster
HE Convention A5 leaflet (2-up)
For more information on the Convention, the Green Paper and critical commentary on the GP, go to
Please forward widely to your networks.
Sean Wallis, on behalf of the Organising Committee
UCL UCU Vice President, UCU London Region HE, UCU National Executive Committee