UCU Left organising Conference

 Pension disputes – Higher Education White Paper – Privatisation and cuts – Equality – Defending jobs and education – Elections

All UCU members welcome

Time – Date – Location

12pm-4pm, Saturday 28th January, Soas Vernon square, 10min walk from Kings X, Map

Flyer available online now – distribute in your branch.



John McDonnell MP
Priya Gopal – On Higher Education White Paper
Alex Kenny NUT NEC – Pensions Battle
Mark Campbell – UCU GS Candidate
Ange McConnell – UCU VP Candidate
Ian Bradley – Sparks striker, Unite London rank and file committee
Invited Langdon park striker

A conference organised by UCU Left to discuss a strategy for the defence of further, adult and higher education at a critical moment to defend pensions and plan a strategy in the fight against cuts and privatisation.

The USS and TPS pensions disputes have reached a critical junction with unions forced to accept savage cuts or escalate the fight. The white paper and pension attack are part of the same package, we will discuss our strategy to organise in the coming weeks and months for us to defeat these reforms.

In 2011 the UCU played a critical role in resisting austerity across the UK culminating in a 2 million strong general strike. We have seen significant victories for adult education and ESOL provision, the boycott IFL campaign, as well as key local disputes to defend jobs and trade union organisation including Barnsley College.

In February important internal UCU elections will open that will shape the union for the next five years. We want to encourage maximum participation in the elections to strengthen democracy in the union and the accountability of our leadership. The UCU Left is supporting and fielding a number of candidates, including for General Secretary and Vice President, standing for democratic fighting unions, this is your chance to meet them and discuss the campaign. Publicity will be available to collect on the day.

The UCU Left is a key force in the union acting decisively in the last year to mobilise effective resistance, come and join us to discuss and debate the way forward at this critical moment. We have invited a number of speakers to facilitate a full discussion on key themes for the movement, the union and to inspire us with their struggles including rank and file strikers.

During the day we will breakout into Further Education and Higher Education groups to focus in on key local battles and national issues in different sector like the USS dispute in HE and TPS in FE and post 92 HE.

We will operate a pooled fare on the day of £15 per person to ensure we can share and reimburse the costs for those travelling to London from further afield. Please book your tickets as early as possible to help reduce costs.

The venue is situated just 10 minutes walk from Kings Cross with a number of Cafes available next door serving hot food and drinks. If you are free we can go for a drink and chat at the end of the day.

I hope you can make it and encourage others to attend. Please contact us if you have any questions, and sign up online here.

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