UCU Left Pre Congress Meeting

UCU’s annual Congress takes place at a crucial time for the union and with its leadership under increasing scrutiny.

As we gather in Glasgow, Higher Education branches will probably still be participating in a UK-wide marking and assessment boycott, with many members potentially suffering punitive pay deductions. Serious local attacks, like the threat of mass redundancies at Brighton University, are adding to the sense of crisis and the challenges facing the union.

Decisions to mount a national pay campaign in Further Education are being implemented hesitantly at best, threatening to waste the opportunity to take a huge step forward in uniting the sector.

The outcome of voting on motions at Congress and the two Sector Conferences will determine the future of the General Secretary -who faces motions of censure – and the direction of the union as a whole.

Join this meeting to discuss the key issues and prepare for Glasgow 2023.

Register in advance: bit.ly/UCUL_PreCongress2023

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