UCU Left – pre USS HESC meeting

6pm Monday 25 April
Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/ucul-usshesc

Ahead of UCU’s Special Higher Education Sector Conference on the USS dispute, UCU Left is organising an open meeting for reps and delegates to discuss the prospects for the dispute.

What can be won in the next six months?

We now know the projected deficit has disappeared. USS has admitted that “Deficit Recovery Contributions” (DRCs) – 20% of all the money paid in to USS – is unnecessary. But the employers are refusing to agree to put it into pensions.

A quick win on DRCs should be possible. Paying that money into our pensions could more than halve the impact of the 1 April cuts. This would not end the dispute, but it is clearly winnable. Their resistance also exposes the hypocrisy of our employers.

What kind of action do we need?

Liverpool UCU beat their employer with a combination of marking boycott and strike action. How do we use our mandate effectively? What kind of organisation will we need to sustain the action?

Can we recouple the disputes and increase the pressure on the employers?

Come to this meeting and discuss the way forward.

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