USS Dispute, latest developments

This has now been superseded, please find the most up to dateĀ UCU Left Leaflet on USS here.


Please ensure that your branch debates the call for a HE Sector Conference in the next two weeks.

  • continue the defence of USS
  • withdraw the UCU ‘compromise’ proposal
  • defend UCU members in York, Bradford, Liverpool, Surrey, Sussex
  • abide by HE conference policy on national action

Model motion:

‘This UCU branch supports the call for the requisition of a Special HE Sector Confernce to debate the campaigns to defend pensions in HE, and to defend the capacity of the UCU to call industrial action short of a strike as part of those campaigns.’

Your branch might also want to express its concern about, or opposition to, the UCU’s counter-proposal on USS, and demand its withdrawal until the Special HE Sector Confernce has debated the issue.

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