This has now been superseded, please find the most up to dateĀ UCU Left Leaflet on USS here.
Please ensure that your branch debates the call for a HE Sector Conference in the next two weeks.
- continue the defence of USS
- withdraw the UCU ‘compromise’ proposal
- defend UCU members in York, Bradford, Liverpool, Surrey, Sussex
- abide by HE conference policy on national action
Model motion:
‘This UCU branch supports the call for the requisition of a Special HE Sector Confernce to debate the campaigns to defend pensions in HE, and to defend the capacity of the UCU to call industrial action short of a strike as part of those campaigns.’
Your branch might also want to express its concern about, or opposition to, the UCU’s counter-proposal on USS, and demand its withdrawal until the Special HE Sector Confernce has debated the issue.