Support the Lambeth Dispute!

The dispute goes on! The branch is now considering what further action to take to defend contracts. They need maximum solidarity for their fight. Here’s a message from Mandy Brown, Branch Secretary, about how to contact them and follow the strike:  Dear colleagues On behalf of our branch, thank you to everyone who was at Congress, and beyond, for the support and solidarity you have shown to our members, and the very generous donations we’ve received. Lambeth Strike has a website up and running here.

Lambeth College has also produced its very own song, written, performed and recorded by UCU and Unison members!

Called ‘Gimme Some Education’ by Zero HRS, you can listen to and buy the track for £1 towards our hardship fund here 

Please circulate to everyone you know and ask them to buy it.

And please sign the national UCU petition here if you haven’t already done so 

Many thanks

Mandy Brown

UCU NEC member

Branch Sec Lambeth College UCU

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