Where Now for the UCU?

 Called by ‘ Liverpool UCU Network’ and University of Liverpool UCU


Saturday, 6 December

1.30-3.30.pm (1pm for registration and lunch)

The Quaker Centre, 22 School Lane (near Church Street ), Liverpool , L1 3BT

In recent years the UCU has taken strike action for better pay and to defend jobs and pensions. Indeed the UCU in FE and HE has often been at the front of these struggles across the wider trade union movement. At yet there is frustration amongst activists and the UCU wider membership at the timidity of the national UCU leadership. Time and time again in ballots and consultations UCU members have expressed their willingness to fight with more than ‘the one day strike’. And yet time and time again the national leadership has pulled back from standing up to the offensives of employers in FE and HE.
Our jobs are threatened, our terms and conditions are subjected to incessant erosion and our employers have served notice of their intention to trash our hard-earned pensions. Meanwhile students are debt-ridden or priced out of an education altogether. Our union should have a key role in preventing all of this.
At this event UCU activists from across the UK will meet to discuss and debate the way forward. Crucially we will discuss how we can support one another better across our branches and regions. We will also discuss our campaigning strategies inside the UCU towards achieving a leadership that is prepared to fight over the key issues as well as on equalities issues within the union.
We have excellent lead-off speakers, but rank and file contributions are the key!

Please join us if you can to move the UCU into a better 2015!

Sean Wallis (President, University College London UCU and national HEC)
Jo McNeill (President, University of Liverpool UCU and national HEC)
Ivan Cartwright (LGBT and Disabilities Officer, Lambeth College UCU)
(It’s free to attend, but donations from branches to cover costs would be welcome)
For more information contact: LUCU@liv.ac.uk

Defend jobs! Defend decent pensions! Fight on pay!


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